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412 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 10 / 2017 - The Blue Hub Platform of the Joint Research Center64: This platform operates in the field of maritime surveillance and information about the marine environment (MSA) integrating data from vessels, contextual information, and satellite images to track 160,000 vessels in real time. This integration of data65 is applied to maritime activities related to piracy, illegal immigration, fishing surveillance, etc. The activities in this platform are focused both on R+D activities for tools for the support of decisions of operational design related to the knowledge of the maritime field, maritime surveillance, and for new and unexploited data sources. This platform was also created within the context of two counter-piracy pilot projects in Eastern Africa (in the Horn of Africa in 2010-2012), and in Western Africa (in the Gulf of Guinea in 2011-2013) (Piracy, Maritime Awareness and Risks – Maritime Security, PMAR-MASE). - BLUMASSMED66. This is a pilot project developed between 2009 and 2012 respecting the integration of maritime surveillance in the Mediterranean and the area adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean with the general aim of improving the exchange of inter-sectorial and cross-border information in the field of maritime surveillance, and of exploring the interest of the States and their political will for this type of cooperation. The results from this pilot project have served to develop the project Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE). - MARSUNO67. This is a pilot project for the exchange of information in the field of Maritime Surveillance in the Northern European Sea Basins developed between 2011 and 2012, and from which recommendations were obtained to aid 64  The Joint Research Centre – JRC is the only service of the European Commission directly in charge of research. This center plays a key role in research and innovation matters in the EU, and collaborates with its support, both scientific and economic, to secure the priorities of Europe 2020 related to competiveness, sustainability, and the great social challenges. 65  The data used are from different sources, the main ones being the data sources of the position of vessels such as AIS (Automatic Identification System), LRIT (Long Range Identification and Tracking), VMS (Vessel Monitoring System) and satellites data VDS (Vessel Detection System). Description data of vessels are also included. 66  Blue Maritime Surveillance System Med (BLUEMASSMED) is a pilot project financed by both the European Commission and the participating countries, and developed within the framework of the integrated maritime policy of the European Union. This project incorporates 37 agencies responsible for the maritime surveillance of six member States with maritime borders on the Mediterranean Sea and its Atlantic proximities (Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, and Malta). The project was started in December of 2009, launched in January of 2010, and ended in the summer of 2012. The final report was submitted to the European Commission in October of 2012. 67  Maritime Surveillance in the Northern European Sea Basins (MARSUNO) is a 24-month long pilot project co-financed by the European Commission (DG MARE) and the participating countries, and undertaken within the framework of the integrated maritime policy of the European Union. 24 public authorities from the 9 member States (Sweden, Belgium, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland), and Norway, participated in the project, under the leadership of Sweden, and Russia as observer.

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