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Abstract 140 Recent News, Trends and Insights in Artillery TRENDS IN ARTILLERY Concerning Fire combat function: ◊  The joint nature of operations is increasingly important, therefore there should be a joint Fire Support Element (FSE). ◊  The effects will be of a higher relevance. ◊  It is necessary to optimize the use of all assets delivering effects with lethal or non-lethal capabilities. In Anti-Aircraft Artillery: ◊  In the Lisbon Summit of November 2010, NATO agreed to cover population, territory, and the forces deployed to the theatre of Operations within its missile defence. ◊  The Army contributes to NATO Defence Missile program with a PATRIOT Battery. Training and use ARTILLERY AND DOCTRINE IN SPAIN The fact that Spain did not take part in any of the modern big armed conflicts – when modern Artillery was born – meant that our Army has not taken the lessons learned by the rest of the countries involved in them. Therefore, Artillery in our Army has less relevance than among the rest of the Allies. However, as stabilization operations are likely to decrease, the preservation of some joint capabilities - one of which is a powerful Artillery - is a must for the western military superiority ARE THE FUNCTIONS OF THE AIR DEFENCE COORDINATOR (ADCOORD) AND ANTIAIRCRAFT ARTILLERY COMMANDER (JAAA) COMPATIBLE? The Air Defence Doctrine for the Land Forces states that the functions of the Air Defence Coordinator (ADCOORD) and the Antiaircraft Artillery Commander (JAAA) will usually be assigned to the same commander. In certain situations, particularly in the lower command echelons, the separation of the abovementioned tasks might be advisable in view of a detailed analysis on the responsibilities concerning both functions AN ALTERNATIVE POINT OF VIEW ABOUT THE COMPATIBILITY OF THE FUNCTIONS OF ADCOORD AND JAAA The doctrine and procedures to integrate the Antiaircraft Artillery (AAA) within the manoeuvre of operational land units are undergoing a quick evolution, showing the need of deeper research in some aspects. This applies specifically to the Corps/ Land Component, Division and Brigade Headquarters. This article is intended to contribute to think about the functions of the Antiaircraft Artillery Commander (JAAA) and the Antiaircraft/ Air Defence Artillery Coordinator (ADCOORD).

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