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62 FERNANDO CALVO GONZÁLEZ-REGUERAL Civil española (1936-1939)- parece poder deducirse que tres factores, interrelacionados, coadyuvan en la aparición del acto heroico: un entorno (en forma de una tradición que reconozca el valor como mérito máximo), la disciplina (virtud primigenia de los ejércitos) y el ejemplo (o la aparición del elemento personal, edificante, digno de emulación, que haga buena la ordenanza: las unidades son fiel reflejo de sus capitanes). PALABRAS CLAVE: Laureada de San Fernando, Medalla Militar, Guerra Civil española, frente de Madrid, heroísmo, valor, juicio contradictorio, recompensas, Ciudad Universitaria. ABSTRACT The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy defines “heroism” as follows: Eminent effort of will done with self-denial, which leads a man to perform extraordinary acts in the service of God, neighbour or Country. This is the line followed by the current regulations of the Royal and Military Order of Saint Ferdinand when, picking up a bicentennial tradition, defines the “heroic courage” and the “very distinguished courage” as self-denial virtues that induce to undertake exceptional or extraordinary actions, individual or collective, always in the service and benefice of Spain. The voluntary condition, courageous and resolute, supreme in its effort or sacrifice, is clearly stated. Heroism is though a human, subjective action, and as such not mesurable, quantifiable of subject to scientific study, because it takes place in the sphere of free will, and depends not only on each person´s will, but on the will of this person at a given moment. It is thus up to the society where he belongs to define what is to be considered as supreme courage at each stage of its ethical development. However, from the detailed study of a particular case-the awarding of laureates and military medals in the Madrid combat front during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)- we can induce that three interrelated factors contribute to the appearance of the heroict feat: an environment (in the form of a tradition that recognizes courage as the máximum merit), discipline (a primordial virtue in the armies) and example (or the appearance of the personal element, edifying,worthy of emulation, that confirms the ordenance: Units are a faithful reflection of their captains). KEY WORDS: Laureate of Saint Ferdinand, Military Medal, Spanish Civil War, Madrid combat front, heroism, courage, contradictory judgement, rewards, University City. Revista de Historia Militar, 122 (2017), pp. 62-96. ISSN: 0482-5748

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