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62 ANTONIO AGUILAR ESCOBAR PALABRAS CLAVE: ejército, Filipinas, justicia militar, fuero militar, conflictos de competencias. ABSTRACT The present article tries to offer a vision of how justice was applied in the Philippines during the eighteenth century to maintain military disci-pline, an essential factor for the proper functioning of the army of endowed there. It will show several cases of military trials that committed crimes and conflicts of jurisdiction arising between civil and military authorities for the application of military jurisdiction to them. These examples will allow us to analyze some characteristics of these processes: length of the processes, instances that intervened, penalties that were applied, etc., as well as some peculiarities that occurred in the Philippine archipelago in relation to other overseas territories. Also, through the exposition of the most frequent cri-mes committed by the soldiers, we will have an approximate view of the poor conditions of life of the troops in the Philippines. This work is based, above all, on the consultation of the original documentation preserved in the Archivo General de Indias and the Archivo General de Simancas. KEY WORDS: army, Philippines, military justice, military jurisdic-tion, conflicts of competences. * * * * * Revista de Historia Militar, 124 (2018), pp. 62-90. ISSN: 0482-5748

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