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Doctrina XXV YEARS OF THE MILITARY CHAMBERS OF THE SUPREME COURT. ÁNGEL CALDERÓN CEREZO the first 25 years of operation. Its creation is a result of the proclamation of the constitutional principle of jurisdictional unity, and of the judicial supremacy of the Supreme Court as the highest organ in all orders. So, that special Military Jurisdiction would have to converge with ordinary courts on the vertex, represented by the new Chamber, to be attributed the last instance control of the application of the military legal system in the pro-ceedings represents the fifth jurisdictional order and specialized by reason of the subject -This is a chamber of parity value in composition and performance, with the uniform interpretation of the military legal system, thus creating the decisive jurisprudence driving the performance of the Military Court as a whole. sanctioning and disciplinary law in which the competences of the military courts are materialized. Since the Fifth Chamber is part of the ordinary courts, the extension of its jurisdiction to hear and determine other matters of the Military Administration is demanded, in the military sphere and un-der EL ANTEPROYECTO DE LEY ORGÁNICA (2013) DEL CÓDIGO PENAL MILITAR. JOSÉ LUIS RODRÍGUEZ-VILLASANTE Y PRIETO del Anteproyecto de Ley Orgánica de Código Penal Militar, elaborado en el año 2014 por el Ministerio de Defensa, para sustituir al vigente aproba-do por Ley Orgánica 13/1985, como consecuencia del mandato de la Ley Orgánica 9/2011, de derechos y deberes de los miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas. Después de destacar el carácter complementario del Antepro-yecto de la reforma, se estudian los preceptos de su libro primero dedicado a las 50 Abstract: The youngest chamber of the Supreme Court just celebrated of the Courts of such order. The 1931-1935 period model is thus recovered, updated, with the pre-sence of Military Justice in the Supreme Court where the new Chamber That jurisprudence, succinctly stated in this work, keeps to criminal the litigation frame of Military Appeals. Keywords: Military Justice Jurisdictional unity, Extension of the juris-diction of the Filph Chamber Resumen: En este estudio se exponen las características fundamentales respecto del Código Penal, analizar sus antecedentes y las razones Revista Española de Derecho Militar. Núm. 100, enero-diciembre 2013

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