Alberto Bueno - The Culture of Security and Defence: A Proposal for Conceptual Analysis from a Political Science Perspective


233 JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES Alberto Bueno Doctoral candidate at the University of Granada. Member of GESI (Study Group for International Security). Email: THE CULTURE OF SECURITY AND DEFENCE: A PROPOSAL FOR CON-CEPTUAL ANALYSIS FROM A POLITI-CAL SCIENCE PERSPECTIVE Abstract This paper analyses the concept of the culture of security and defence from the perspective of Political Science, studying the important impli-cations and consequences of its definition based on the idea of political culture. On the other hand, also from this disciplinary viewpoint, it discusses the meanings of the terms Culture of Defence, Culture of Se-curity and Defence, and Culture of Security. In conclusion, it suggests a series of theoretical and conceptual proposals in order to achieve a better and more effective development of this public policy. Keywords Culture of Security and Defence, Political Science, Political Culture, Awareness of Defence, Public Policy

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