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235 Alberto Bueno The Culture of Security and Defence: A Proposal for... good use to present the idea by way of a preliminary note but we consider it to be one that is clearly lacking. It is also possible to approach this idea from an anthropological angle, understand-ing culture not just to be knowledge, but also to be “belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society”1. We would hence say that culture goes far beyond mere conscious information, since it corresponds to a miscellany of skills and/or insights whose distinguishing feature is that they stem from the development of the individual within a society. This almost intuitive social concept, together with its essential political element, invite one to position it as part of political culture, an approximation that has found widespread acceptance in discussion forums and in literature on the subject2. Howev-er, no matter how correct this stance may be, it is true that subsequently the implica-tions and consequences of inserting it within this political science context have hardly been explored. This has sometimes afforded an incorrect interpretation of the meaning of the term, an oversight that we see fit to remedy in this paper. As the researcher Mary Kaldor3 states: “Social Science ergo, Political Science too is about telling stories”. Consequently, a better insight into this specific public policy will hinge upon a proper understanding of all the elements that form this story about political culture within society. The political culture of security and defence The initial outline of the idea of political culture implies that we are dealing with a variable that connects the different levels of the political system, the individual and collective levels. This helps us to better understand how individuals develop within 1  Italics added by author. See TYLOR in BERGER, Arthur, Political Culture and Public Opinion, New Brunswick, Transaction Publishers, 1989, p. 2. 2  Inter alia: CALDUCH, Rafael, «La cultura de defensa en España y los nuevos retos estratégicos» in LÓPEZ MORA, F. and BALLESTEROS, M.A. (eds.) Ensayos sobre la cultura de defensa y la paz en la España actual, Cordoba-Madrid, University of Cordoba- Directorate-General of Defence Institutional Relations, 2011; BALL-ESTEROS, Miguel Ángel, «La evolución de la cultura de la seguridad y la defensa», in LÓPEZ MORA, F. and BALLESTEROS, M.A. (eds.) Ensayos sobre la cultura de defensa y la paz en la España actual, Cordoba-Madrid, University of Cordoba- Directorate-General of Defence Institutional Relations, 2011; LLERA, Francisco José, «La opinión pública española ante la defensa nacional» in XXI Curso Internacional de Defensa: Potenciar la cultura de seguridad, una necesidad para comprender la defensa nacional, Jaca (Huesca), General Military Acade-my- University of Saragossa, 2014; PALACIOS, José Miguel, «Evolución del concepto de seguridad» in XXI Cur-so Internacional de Defensa: Potenciar la cultura de seguridad, una necesidad para comprender la defensa nacional, Jaca (Huesca), General Military Academy-University of Saragossa, 2014. 3  KALDOR, Mary, El poder y la fuerza, Barcelona, Tusquets, 2010, p. 27.

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