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REVISTA IEEE 8 282 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 8 / 2016 as the propaganda of their daily activities (training, military material, army, clothes) to attract new members74. Currently, the Jihadist threat hovers also over Europe75 (Spain is targeted by Islamic terrorism) although the terrorist actions take priority in areas of Pakistan, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, or several African countries where collective attacks, and indiscri-minate massacres of the civilian population (including women and children) reach the media headlines, and provoke massive exoduses of refugees to other countries, creating a situation of real emergency in view of the need for international aid of all types: food, water, medicines, housing, field hospitals, etc. In that context, the spread of terror and the anxiety due to an anticipated attack must be avoided, as much as possible, by the State authorities and the media by hel-ping the victims and managing the emotional response of the people’s environment. In our most immediate environment, according to the information provided by the Ministry of the Interior at the summit about radicalization and terrorism held in the city of Niamey (May 2015), Spain has detained 568 Jihadists in the last 10 years, as a consequence of 124 anti-terrorist operations76. General Ballesteros Martin considers the global threat that the terrorist group Daesh means, and affirms that this organization has momentarily divided the Jiha-dists; its strategy reinforces Jihadism; the international community must defeat it, and an efficient counterterrorist strategy is needed. He also points out that the Arab par-ticipation in the fight against Daesh is essential, that the Muslim communities must take action; that we must fight against the radicalization of Muslim countries, and that military intervention within the legal framework must be analyzed77. Faced by the exodus of refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, or Somalia, many dissenting voices have been raised because of the risk of terrorist infiltration, and which has increased with the 11/13 attacks in Paris. This unproven affirmation, should it be internalized, «could end up producing fear, rejection, or violence on the part of some sectors of host communities»78. The problem could become more serious if the 74  Ibidem., pg.4-9. 75  The last 11/13 attacks in Paris by terrorist members of Daesh, and the information of the presence of that Jihadist group in Brussels have provoked raising considerably the level of risk of attacks in France, Belgium, Germany, the United Kingdom, and even in Spain. 76  ORTEGA, S., «Spain has detained 568 jihadists in 124 anti-terrorist operations in the last 10 years», Mundo, Heraldo de Aragón, Saragossa, (15 May, 2015), pg.40. 77  BALLESTEROS, Miguel Ángel, «Global terrorism as a foreign threat to Spain», The new di-mensions of global terrorism. Seminar on Terrorism, The Jiménez Abad Foundation and the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies (IEES), Saragossa, 18 November, 2015. 78  COHEN, Jessica, «Social effects of Terrorism. Refugee crisis and flawed arguments», Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies, 16 October, 2015, pg.2.

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