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REVISTA IEEE 8 334 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 8 / 2016 Therefore, if, as the report by the RIE advises, «Spain should maintain its reputa-tion as a country committed to paying special attention to crises, with the capacity for an operational presence in all contexts, with active participation in decisive inter-national fora, and with respect for international law (Geneva Conventions and Addi-tional Protocols)»55, we can confirm that Spain does indeed show a true commitment to attention to crises and to active participation in international fora to implement the responsibility to protect; however, as regards respect for international law, we can say that the amendment of Organic Law on Universal Justice does not show this res-pect for the Geneva Conventions, as indicated in the decision of Judge S. J. Pedraz, of 17 March 2014, that stated that «the new article 23.4 a) of the Organic Law of the Judiciary (…) contradicts the IV Geneva Convention that carries the obligation to prosecute these crime with no restrictions whatsoever»56. Despite this, this study of the different aspects of the Spanish position allows us to affirm that our country is actively committed to the responsibility to protect. Moreo-ver, both the organisation of the fifth meeting of the Global Network of Focal Points as well as the co-presidency of the first informal meeting in the Security Council last December would appear to confirm that our country has taken on the commitment of “promoting, both inside and outside the Security Council, the effective implemen-tation of the Responsibility to Protect, fulfilling the collective responsibility, as stated in the 2005 World Summit Outcome document57. It remains to be seen whether our country will continue to show an effective level of attention and active commitment to the concept over the remainder of its term as a non-permanent member of the Se-curity Council. 55  «Hacia una renovación estratégica de la política exterior española. Elementos para conectar mejor el proyecto colectivo de país con el mundo globalizado», op. cit., p. 64. 56  National High Court Decision, Central Court of Instruction nº 1, Summary 27/2007, Madrid, 17 March 2014. See ABAD CASTELLOS, M., «The End of Universal Jurisdiction in Spain?» The Spanish Yearbook of International Law, vol. 18, 2013-2014, pp. 226-227. As regards this question, it is important to point out that Judge S. J. Pedraz’s opinion is not shared by other doctrinal sectors. 57  Programme, Spain’s candidacy as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, 2015- 2016, p. 6. <>, Consulted: 8 January 2016.

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