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REVISTA IEEE 8 338 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 8 / 2016 tember 2014. Available under: ( pdf/ES_es.pdf ). External Action Strategy of February 2015, approved by the Council of Ministers at their meeting on the 26 December 2014, in accordance with the State External Action and Service Act. Programme, Spain’s candidacy as non-permanent member of the UN Security Coun-cil, 2015-2016. Available under: ( miembroCSNU_2015-2016.pdf). S/PV.7360, 15 January 2015, The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestin-ian question. S/PV.7361, 19 January 2015, Maintenance of international peace and security. S/2015/32, Security Council, Letter dated 16 January 2015 from the Permanent Repre-sentative of Chile to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General, 19 January 2015. S/PV.7374, Security Council, Protection of civilians in armed conflict, 30 January 2015 Appearance of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (García-Margallo Mar-fil) to inform on Spain’s priorities, general lines of action and expectations as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, session nº 38, Wednesday 11 February 2015, Diario de Sesiones del Congreso de los Diputados, X Legislature, nº 744, year 2015. S/PV.7419, 27 March 2015, The situation in the Middle East. S/RES/2220, 22 May 2015, Small arms. Intervention by the representative of Spain at the Security Council on the 20th an-niversary of the Srebrenica genocide, 7 July 2015. Available under: (http://www. Documents/150707%20Elementos%20de%20intervencion%20BiH.pdf ). A/69/981–S/2015/500, Report of the Secretary-General, «A vital and enduring com-mitment: implementing the responsibility to protect», 13 July 2015. Fifth meeting of the Global Network of Responsibility to Protect Focal Points in Ma-drid, press statement nº 156, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, July 2015. A/70/362, 8 September 2015, Human rights situation in the Democratic Republic of North Korea. Spain’s intervention at the informal interactive dialogue of the UN General Assembly on the responsibility to protect, New York, 8 September 2015. Available under: ( ).

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