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350 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 8 / 2016 Table 1. Security and Defence Budget in Mexico (2008-2015). Source: Prepared by author based on adapted data from Table 1 of the Annexe to the Security and Defence Budget in Atlas de la Seguridad y la Defensa de México 2012: 145. For 2013, 2014 and 2015, prepared by author based on the Expenditure Budget of the Federation (27/12/2012; 3/12/2013; 3/12/2014); Headings federal entities and Federal Funds and Subsidies prepared by author. As regards “Public Security” 2014 and 2015, the headings assigned to Heading “04 Governance” dealing with this function are added together (CEFP, 2015). Amounts in millions of pesos and dollars. As can be seen in table 1, all of the institutions consistently and considerably increa-sed the resources invested between 2008 and 2015. In most cases, the amount of mo-ney budgeted in 2015 is more than double that of 2008, reflecting the continuity of the policy, not just under president Calderón’s administration, but also under Peña’s go-vernment, as well as by many of the federal entities that, irrespective of their political colour, notably increased their budgets for public security and access to justice. This also shows a double commitment: on the one hand, from the side of the fe-deral government that, working on strengthening the state security apparatus, keeps the Armed Forces involved in the daily operation of the fight against organised crime, Graph 1. Proportion of budgetary investment by institution (2008-2015).Source: Prepared by author, together with Pilar Merino, based on adapted data from Table 1 of the Annexe to the Security and Defence Budget in Atlas de la Seguridad y la Defensa de México 2012: 145. For 2013, 2014 and 2015, prepared by author based on the Expenditure Budget of the Fede-ration (27/12/2012; 3/12/2013; 3/12/2014); Headings federal entities and Federal Funds and Subsidies prepared by author. As regards “Public Security” 2014 and 2015, the headings assigned to Heading “04 Governance” dealing with this function are added together (CEFP, 2015). Amounts in millions of pesos.

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