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357 Carlos Barrachina Lisón The Mexican path to a reform of the National Public... programme were published in the document «Terms of the national programme for the social prevention of violence and crime and the creation of the Inter-Ministerial Commission» that made public the above-mentioned Inter-Ministerial Commission for the social prevention of violence and crime made up of the secretariats of Gover-nance, Finance and Public Credit, Social Development, Economy, Communications and Transport, Public Education, Health, Labour and Social Services, and Agricultu-ral, Territorial and Urban Development. SETEC The Technical Secretariat of the Coordinating Council for the Implementation of the Criminal Justice System (SETEC) has been in charge of leading the process of implementing the New Criminal Justice System since 2008 and continues to be so as the time of writing51. SETEC has published various studies and documents that have supported the effort to reform the Mexican justice system52. SETEC data from May 2015 demonstrates how the beginning of the operation, as well as the degree of progress both of the Accusatory Penal System (SPPA) and of the National Criminal Procedure Code (CNPP) varies greatly from one federal entity to another. In 2007, the states of Chihuahua and Oaxaca started the SPPA operation (the former comprehensively and the latter partially). In 2008, Morelos started the pro-cess and is currently one of the two states in the Republic that is comprehensively operating both the SPPA and the CNPP. In 2009, and with differing results, the following states joined the process: the State of Durango that has a comprehensive operation of the SPPA and the CNPP, the State of México that has comprehensively implemented the SPPA, and Zacatecas that has made only partial advances in the SPPA and the CNPP. In 2010, Baja California started the partial implementation of the SPPA. In 2011, Yucatán, with full implementation of the SPPA, and Guanajuato, programme for the social prevention of violence and crime and the creation of the Inter-Ministerial Commis-sion, Mexico: 2013, p. 21). 51  Here, it is useful to bear in mind the reflection made by BAILEY, John. Crimen e impunidad. Las trampas de la seguridad en México. México: Debate, 2014, p.39 «Attempting to reform parts of the criminal justice system under normal conditions and in few places, as a pilot project, is a formidable task. Introducing a comprehensive reform of the system in the middle of a security crisis – something that the Calderón administration tried to do after 2007- is worthy of the term «the perfect storm», in the words of a Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice». 52  «Videos» and other promotional material have been broadcast on the web page and in the media with the aim of raising awareness and educating both the different players in the criminal justice system, as well as the governmental authorities and the general population on the upcoming changes and the consequences they will have.

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