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360 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 8 / 2016 Investment in public security and access to justice in the federal entities (2008-2015) Table 1 shows that despite growing investment in SEDENA, in SEMAR, in Public Security, and in the Attorney General’s Office (PGR), all of which are embedded in the Federal Government, more public resources are invested in public security and access to justice at the level of the federal entities and municipalities. Between 2008 and 2015, the Mexican states budgeted 609,773,000,000 pesos of their own money while the federation, with the co-participation of the states, allocated 205,509,000,000 pesos to Funds and Subsidies to strengthen different aspects of this policy at the local level. This is not surprising considering that the main problem of the national public security system lies in ensuring that Mexico has trustworthy police structures across the country as well as efficient criminal justice systems. The economic resources invested point towards there being a healthy interest, both at federation and state level, in recovering the «captured territories» taken over by organised crime or in «vaccinating themsel-ves » from the possibility of this happening and maintaining the rule of law as far as possible. The largest amounts of funds have been invested in Mexico’s main popula-tion nuclei. In the Federal District, the local budgets reflect an investment of 133,248,000,000 pesos while the total of the main funds and subsidies (FORTA-MUN, SUBSEMUN, FASP Y SPA) adds an additional 14,507,000,000 pesos to this amount. In the State of Mexico, the state government allocated 75,267,000,000 pesos, to which a further 17,898,000,000 should be added. In Jalisco, the amount budgeted by the state was 37,500,000,000 pesos plus the 8,723,000,000 pesos of one-off contributions. In Nuevo León, the amount was 37,500,000,000 plus 7,988,000,000 pesos. Guanajuato, Veracruz, Baja California, Tabasco, Michoa-cán and Chihuahua are at a mid-high range, with each one allocating amounts ranging from just over 23,000,000,000 pesos to 19,000,000,000 pesos (plus the federal resources which range from 10,387,000,000 in the state of Veracruz to the 4,303,000,000 in the state of Tabasco)54. All of these states except Tabasco, added together with Coahuila, Chiapas, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Puebla, San Luis Potosí, Sinaloa, Sonora and Tamaulipas re-ceived more than 5,000,000,000 between 2008 and 2015 in funds and subsidies. These states are home to the areas in which the Mexican state has experienced the most issues of governability, which shows that this policy has tried to strengthen public security institutions both in the large population nuclei55 as well as in the most violent areas. 54  These figures are taken from the corresponding Official Newspapers that are listed in the bibliog-raphy. The addition of the annually allocated amounts is prepared by the author. 55  Included among these entities are those that received more than 1,500,000,000 pesos for the municipalities supported by SBUSEMUN.

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