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52 RAMÓN DÍEZ RIOJA cos, Junta Técnica del Estado, Alto Tribunal de Justicia Militar, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Vicepresidencia del Gobierno, Consejo de Estado. ABSTRACT This paper focuses on the figure of Lieutenant General Francisco Gómez-Jordana Sousa; a military staff linked in an extraordinary way to the protectorate of Spain in Morocco and, from 1936, to the new “national Sta-te” through a very active in various posts of legal, administrative, political and diplomatic measures that served thanks to the confidence that Franco deposited on it. A research that will show the intense work of a man with extraordinary capacity for work and self-denial, whose analysis will allow us not only properly assess the relevance of the character but also bring us closer to that context historical, complex and turbulent, which meant the for-mation of a new State with all its institutional, in the midst of a devastating civil war conglomerate. KEY WORDS: Francisco Gómez-Jordana, Staff, protectorate, disem-barkation of Alhucemas, High Commissioner of Spain in Morocco, State Board technique, High Court of military justice, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Vice President of the Government, Council of State * * * * * Revista de Historia Militar, 120 (2016), pp. 52-86. ISSN: 0482-5748

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