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78 CARLOS BELLOSO MARTÍN referencia, como fueron su estancia en Villafranca Sícula (Agrigento) en el invierno de 1572, en Malta en noviembre de 1573, en Siracusa en el invier-no de 1573 y en varios meses de 1574, o el paso de su compañía desde el Tercio de Lope de Figueroa al que estaba adscrito al Tercio de Sicilia para reforzarlo en 1574. PALABRAS CLAVE: Miguel de Cervantes; Juan de Austria; Tercio Lope de Figueroa; Manuel Ponce de León; campañas militares en el Me-diterraneo; Reino de Sicilia; Villafranca Sícula (Agrigento); Siracusa; Tercio de Sicilia. ABSTRACT Historiography has reconstructed Miguel de Cervantes´ military and vital itinerary between the years 1527 and 1575 based on the abundant in-formation existing on the movements of the bulk of the army that goes with D. Juan de Austria or of the Tercio of his Field Master Lope de Figueroa, a Tercio where Cervantes enlisted in 1572 when he left the hospital of Mes-sina. However, the one who truly provides us with the most reliable data to be aware of Miguel de Cervantes´ career is the Captain of the company where Cervantes served as a soldier, the one of Manuel Ponce de Leon, whose movements and locations do not always coincide with the locations of the rest of Companies in his Tercio. Through the documentation of the General Archive of Simancas we can reconstruct the locations of M. Ponce de Leon´s company, where Cervantes served. We can thus provide some up to now unknown data for his biography during the almost four years that he spent fighting in different campaigns in the Mediterranean Sea, and where the Kingdom of Sicilia was the place of reference, as were his stay in Vi-lafranca Sícula (Agrigentum) in the winter of 1572, in Malta in November 1573, in Syracuse in the winter of 1573 and several months of 1574, or the transfer of his company from the “Tercio de Lope de Figeroa”, where he was attached, to the “Tercio de Sicilia” to reinforce it in 1574. KEY WORDS:Miguel de Cervantes; Juan de Austria; Tercio Lope de Figueroa; Manuel Ponce de León; military campaigns in the Medi-terranean Sea; the Kingdom of Sicilia; Vilafranca Sícula (Agrigentum); Syracuse; Tercio de Sicilia. * * * * Revista de Historia Militar, II extraordinario de 2016, pp. 78-106. ISSN: 0482-5748

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