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1040 Abstract: The bombing campaign against the Daesh has helped to contain its territorial expansion. As a result, voices are emerging in the American Defense community that advocate prioritizing the use of airpower in future conflicts, which necessarily means that the USAF must also be privileged in the budget allocation. It is not the first time that the supposed primacy of airpower becomes an object of discussion. For obvious reasons, this is a debate that transcends the theoretical level and affects the orientation of national strategies, the design of sectoral policies and doctrinal developments. This document intends to offer a historical synthesis on the keys of a controversy that began almost a century ago - shortly after World War I ended - and with novel ideas and orientations it continues to this day. By its influence on the rest of allies and opponents, our attention will focus mainly on the theory of the air power in the United States. Palabras clave: Poder aéreo, Estrategia, Coerción, Innovación militar. Keywords: Airpower, Strategy, Coercion, Military innovation. bie3 El debate sobre la primacía del poder aéreo: un recorrido histórico Javier Jordán Enamorado Documento de Análisis 12/2012 2

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