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integration process into the international system based on the Neoliberal economic model. Notwithstanding, the resurgence of the left in Latin America has put Neoliberalism and some of its flaws related to an unequal development in question. In fact, the general discontent with the Neoliberal economic model in Latin America has seen the generation of a flow of alternative economic currents, like Neo-Structuralism and Neo-Extractivism, which has experienced the substitution of the Neoliberal Economic Model. Considering the prevalence of Neoliberalism in the West, it is interesting to learn that flaws and imperfections have been detected in its Latin American application and that new options have been formulated to encourage development and economic growth. Palabras clave: Modelo económico, integración, neoliberalismo, desarrollo, subdesarrollo, neoestructuralismo, neoextractivismo. Keywords: Economic Model, Integration, Neoliberalism, development, Underdevelopment, Neo- Structuralism, Neo-Extractivism. 1049 bie3 ůĂďĂŶĚŽŶŽĚĞůŶĞŽůŝďĞƌĂůŝƐŵŽĞŶŵĠƌŝĐĂ>ĂƚŝŶĂĂƉƌŝŶĐŝƉŝŽƐĚĞůƐŝŐůŽyy/LJĞů ĨůƵũŽĚĞĐŽƌƌŝĞŶƚĞƐŶĞŽĞƐƚƌƵĐƚƵƌĂůŝƐƚĂƐLJŶĞŽĞdžƚƌĂĐƚŝǀŝƐƚĂƐ ůĨŽŶƐŽƵƌŝƚĂŽƌďſŶ ŽĐƵŵĞŶƚŽDĂƌĐŽ ϬϰͬϮϬϭϳ Ϯ

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