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520 Abstract: The DRC faces a long period of instability after last 19th December, when its first democratic transfer of power was supposed to happen. That day concluded the last constitutional mandate of President Kabila who, through an electoral postponement known as ‘glissement’, has been perpetuated in office despite popular opposition. On 31 December, the presidential camp and the opposition signed a power sharing agreement with the mediation of the Catholic Church in which Kabila committed not to stand for the next elections now scheduled for December 2017. This agreement has reduced the political tension but does not solve the crisis of legitimacy that could be deepened if the deadlines provided in the document are not fulfilled under the pretext of lack of time and funding. In order to avoid such scenario, the international community should give priority to conditioned funding for elections that are the only solution to a crisis of legitimacy that has already caused serious security consequences like the emergence of new armed groups with an anti-Kabila discourse. Palabras clave: RDC, Congo, Kabila, elecciones, crisis, glissement, oposición, Constitución, Iglesia católica, acuerdo, legitimidad, grupos armados. Keywords: DRC, Congo, Kabila, elections, crisis, ‘glissement’, opposition, Constitution, Catholic Church, agreement, legitimacy, armed groups. bie3 ZŽŶŐŽ͗ůĂĐƌŝƐŝƐĚĞůĞŐŝƚŝŵŝĚĂĚLJůĂŝŶƐĞŐƵƌŝĚĂĚƉĞƌƐŝƐƚĞŶƉĞƐĞĂůĂĐƵĞƌĚŽĐŽŶ ůĂŽƉŽƐŝĐŝſŶ dƌŝŶŝĚĂĚĞŝƌŽƐƌŽŶƚĞ ŽĐƵŵĞŶƚŽĚĞKƉŝŶŝſŶ ϬϴͬϮϬϭϲ Ϯ

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