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208 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 11 / 2018 the state was strengthened and centralised, its authoritarian tendencies exacerbated, and the clerics weakened37. Today, Ghannouchi and Erdogan’s personalities and leadership styles are as different as night and day. The first practises concession and compromise. The second has not forgotten the fate of some of his predecessors or his childhood selling sesame seeds in the street and is willing to stop at nothing to hold onto his power. Ennahda has made peace with secular parties and together they have agreed on a constitution that is one of the most advanced in the Muslim world. Meanwhile, the AKP is pursuing a new constitution intended to maximise the number of AKP deputies in parliament and which will involve the introduction of the presidential system that Erdogan so eagerly desires. THE CASE OF THE JUSTICE AND DEVELOPMENT PARTY (PJD) IN MOROCCO, THE MAVERICK Meanwhile, the situation in Morocco is taking a different course. In Rabat, the king maintains some control over all branches of the government and has the military’s support. In the context of the protests in the country in August 2017, Abdelilah Benkirane, a veteran PJD prime minister removed by the king, did something radical. Although the king’s move was not questioned in the country, at the convention of the party’s youth wing in Fez, Benkirane criticised the king in public, declaring «the king is not God. He is a man, and as a man he sometimes is right and sometimes is Image 6: photo: Abdelilah Benkirane when prime minister on 28 October 2015. Agencias 37  Http:// Accessed on 22-06-2016.

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