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274 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 11 / 2018 remains its greatest advocate in the international arena. Namely, concerning the participation of Iran as a fundamental condition for the success of the Geneva Talks over the future of Syria. Figure 11: a sketch of the Iranian and the Russian president in a local newspaper praising the good relations between both countries Considering the defense of Shiite interests in other regions, two circumstances of the current Islamic world shape the IRI’s policy: the survival of Assad’s Alawite regime and the open conflict with the Saudi Arabian authorities. Concerning the first, the existing literature provides very detailed account of the participation of Iran in the Syrian civil war and will not be reproduced here. Howbeit, there is a much less known practice that deserves some lines, which is the recruitment of Afghan Hazaras (Shia) to fight together with the IRGC91. 91  See SMYTH, Philipp. «Iran’s Afghan Shiite Fighters in Syria», Washington: The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, 2014. Available at: view/irans-afghan-shiite-fighters-in-syria.

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