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316 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 11 / 2018 Different types of resistance exist, some of constructive character and some, now identified in Liberia, which must be considered as negative, namely: disagreement, non-collaboration, obstruction and violence. The latter form of resistance is of special concern, especially considering the history of extreme violence in Liberia, especially in the 1990’s, a period when it was seen how public protests, or simple demonstrations, easily gave way to very violent situations46. During the evaluation of the PBO, the author was able to confirm at first hand, through interviews with a number of Organizations of Liberian Civil Society of varying nature (environmentalists, women’s organizations, confessional groups, etc.), normally founded and made up by native Liberians, the existence of an extremely high level of disagreement with the GRL. Those interviewed presented very harsh opinions regarding their lack of identification either with the GRL or with its policies. Some of the interviewees from the aforementioned groups emphasized their refusal to recognize as legitimate a government and a political system which give space to war criminals47. Some of the underlying reasons for such serious accusations on the part of the Liberian Civil Society, in addition to the previously mentioned case of the current President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, would include the sadly famous Prince Johnson, Senior Senator for Nimba County since 2005. The following extract from the article «Warlord to Kingmaker: An Audience with Prince Johnson», leaves no room for doubt or ambiguity regarding his criminal activities: «His return to stage center has brought back memories of one of West Africa’s darkest chapters. Like Charles Taylor, who is awaiting the verdict in a war crimes trial, Mr. Johnson led a rebel group that fought President Doe in the late 1980’s. His men captured the coup leader in 1990 and videotaped his interrogation and torture. A terrified Mr. Doe, bound to a chair, begs for his life as Mr. Johnson drinks a Budweiser. Unhappy with his answers to his questions over what the President had done with «the Liberian People’s money», he warns him: «“Don’t fuck with me”. He loses patience and orders his men to cut the President’s ear off. Mr. Johnson raises the ear to the camera and then puts it in Mr. Doe’s mouth»48. Evaluation of the PBO also permitted the author to identify a clear case of non-collaboration in the execution of the most important reconciliation initiative for the GRL, and decidedly supported by a number of agencies of the United Nations 46  NEUMANN, Hannah, and WINCKLER, Joel. «When Critique is Framed as Resistance: How the International Intervention in Liberia Fails to Integrate Alternative Concepts and Constructive Criticism», International Peacekeeping, 2012, pp. 624-631, available at: 3312.2013.864520. Viewed: 22.05.2016. 47  These opinions were not included in the final evaluation report as they were not directly related to the objectives of evaluation. 48  HOWDEN, Daniel. «Warlord to Kingmaker: An audience with Prince Johnson», Independent, 2011, available at: with-prince-johnson-2370926.html. Viewed: 04.06.2016.

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