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330 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 11 / 2018 Block I: the meaning of the niqab Interview results —— All women have multiple reasons for practising niqab. —— In one way or another, all interviewees claim they practise niqab to please Allah. —— All women speak of the religious nature of the niqab. —— Ten women refer to the niqab when speaking about «good Islamic manners». —— Two of the interviewees speak of the mandatory use of the niqab for Muslim women. Table II: the meaning of the niqab. Religious dimension of the niqab With regard to the religious dimension, all women said that they chose to wear the niqab after reading the Quran and the Sunna. When we asked them where exactly in the holy books we could find or read the relevant passages, they were not sure. Many of the women recommended we search on the Internet. When asked if the passages contained a clear obligation concerning the niqab, most said yes and that, moreover, there are sages who support these arguments. Only three women mentioned that there were conflicting interpretations regarding the niqab and spoke of the different positions on the matter within the Muslim community. When asked if they had a niqabi woman role model, they said they had no contemporary role model as such, but that one of the main reasons they practised niqab was that the wives of the Prophet and those of his companions had chosen to wear it. Several women mentioned that practising niqab was the socially correct way to present themselves as Muslim women. Some of them also spoke of the hijab as being halal (lawful), but said that they felt much more comfortable and secure practising niqab because it definitely pleased Allah. The following excerpt sums up the above ideas very well: «My only purpose in this life is to please Allah, he gave me life, Alhamdulillah, and only imposed a few conditions, among which are to pray and practise niqab or at the very least hijab, as some of my sisters do. But a proper hijab, not like the tight ones some women wear. That’s not hijab, that’s nonsense. I have read how the wives of the Prophet practised niqab and they were without a doubt the best, therefore there is no question about it, we have to do like the wives of the Prophet. It’s difficult, but Allah, subhanahu wa taala, will not forsake us. He will make the way easier for us» (Ratsida). Below is a summary table showing the responses in relation to the religious dimension of the niqab.

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