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258 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 12 / 2018 In the end, we feel that the aim of Article 43.1 TEU is to resize the range of Peters-berg Operations, starting from an operative undertaking of actions already planned, so that the possibilities each one of them offers are extended, as per the Conclusions of the Council of November 2016. MILITARY OPERATION SOPHIA IN THE MEDITERRANEAN: A PARADIGM OF COMPRHENSIVE APPROACH WITH RELATION TO INTERNATIONAL CRISES? Keeping in mind the evolution of the concepts of Security, of international peace-keeping operations, and more specifically, of the scope of the EU Petersberg Opera-tions, we should determine how the competence ratione materiae of Operation Sophia fits into this framework. This is because the factual framework within which Operation Sophia takes place is totally new. Thus, the migration crisis that is buffeting the international scenario, and more specifically affecting Europe, is concentrated, particularly, in the central southern region of the Mediterranean. This means an enormous arrival of thousands of migrants of sub-Saharan origin coming from the Lybian coasts55. On the one hand, the political situation of Lybia must be kept in mind, where up to as many as three different governments exist in a country of almost two million square kilometers, with continual clashes among different factions. It is, therefore, an example of what has been called a Failed State56. On the other hand, the threat that the EU is facing is not exactly the illegal immi-gration that is reaching the coasts of the EU, but rather the transborder criminality which is really responsable for the immigration flow in such conditions that unfortu-nately accidents and shipwrecks are made easier, with the well-known dramatic con-sequences. This is the reason why, starting with a holistic approach regarding security, 55  On the immigration crisis in the Mediterranean, see ACOSTA SÁNCHEZ, M.A., “Inmigración marítima en el Mediterráneo: las iniciativas de la UE y la protección de los derechos humanos”, Anuario de los Cursos de Derechos Humanos de Donostia-San Sebastián, vol. XVII (2017), Cizur Menor: Ed. Aranzadi, 2018, pp. 23-59, as well as the ample bibliography cited. Also, GONZÁLEZ ENRÍQUEZ, C., «La crisis de los refugiados y la respuesta europea», Analysis by the Elcano Royal Institute, ARI 67/2015 of 11.18.2015; GONZÁLEZ VEGA, J., “Mitos y mistificaciones: la Unión Europea y la protección internacional (a propósito de la “crisis de los refugiados”)”, Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo, 2017, vol. 56, pp. 27-75; GORTÁZAR ROTAECHE, C., «La crisis de los refugiados: la hora de Europa”», Analysis by the Elcano Royal Institute, ARI 5/2016 of 01.18.2016. Finally, FUENTE COBO, I., «Las migraciones en el espacio euromediterráneo: los escenarios posibles», IEEE, Analysis Document. 32/2017, 06.28.2017, available at DIEEEA32-2017_Migraciones_SeguridadRegional_IFC.pdf; 56  See JIMÉNEZ PIERNAS, C., «Estados débiles y Estados fracasados», Revista Española de Derecho Internacional, 2013, vol. LXV, n.º 2, pp. 11-49. Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos n.º 12 - Año: 2018 - Págs.: 239 a 272

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