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Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos n.º 12 - Año: 2018 - Págs.: 299 a 323 304 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 12 / 2018 tionist models and methods for training institutions and improving human living conditions through social progress. To this effect, the bilateral cooperation that was established between Portugal and East Timor from the outset of UN intervention, particularly in the field of Defence and the transformation of the FALINTIL into FALINTIL -FDTL, merits specific analysis. This is a historic milestone for both countries, as well as for the framework of UN intervention, with common cooperative interests and strategies and recognised in the field of UN intervention in fragile states in the post-Cold War era. The present analysis is based on four key concepts: Foreign Policy, defined as the set of actions developed by a state in conducting international relations with other state- and non-state actors13 in which the Official Development Assistance (ODA) of other states is a vector of the strategic action of the state; Construction of the State, which represents the process of capacity-building and the training of institutions and the legitimisation of the State, conducted mainly at domestic level in which international assistance with state-building plays a limited role14; it is also important to reflect on the consolidation of the Defence and Security sector: the Security Sector Reform (SSR), a process of review, implementation, monitoring and evaluation conducted by the na-tional authorities designed to reinforce effective and responsible security for the state and its people, without discrimination and with full respect for human rights and the rule of law15, which includes a diverse range of state sectors given that defence reform constitutes a fundamental pillar of state institutions; and, finally, the chapter entitled Cooperation, which defines interaction between states which is targeted at achieving common goals16. Following Durkheim’s arguments17, by creating a social link, it is also interesting to reflect on the role of bilateral and multilateral military and technical cooperation (MTC), between Portugal and East Timor, with national parameters as a reference, as well as the legislative framework that guided the decade and a half of cooperation between these countries. If Portuguese military-technical cooperation has contribu-ted to the SSR and DSR , then we can agree that Portuguese foreign policy will have 13  JACKSON, Robert; SØRENSEN, Georg. Introduction to International Relations – Theories and Approaches, New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. Op. cit., p. 226. 14  ORGANIZATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT: OECD. «Concepts and Dilemmas of State-building in Fragile Situations FROM FRAGILITY TO RESILIENCE». Journal on Development, n.º3, vol. 9 2008, p. 8. Available at < development/incaf/41100930.pdf> 22 November 2016. 15  UNITED NATIONS: UN. «The United Nations SSR Perspective». New York, 2012, p. 2. Available at <> 22 November 2016. 16  SOUSA, Fernando de; MENDES, Pedro. Dicionário de Relações Internacionais, 3ª Edição, Porto: Edições Afrontamento, 2014, p. xiv. 17  SOUSA, Fernando de; MENDES, Pedro: op. cit.

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