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Alberto Gallego Gordon The structural causes of instability and conflict... 355 The presence of US forces is particularly significant in Niger on account of its po-sition as a crossroads for jihadist groups77. More than 800 troops for training of the Nigerien armed forces have been deployed in addition to a squadron of reconnaissan-ce drones based in Agadez. However, the tragic outcome of various operations raises doubts about the real work they are doing in the country78. As mentioned, in October 2017, the U.S. Secretary of State pledged a direct contri-bution of 51 million euros to the G5 Sahel Joint Force79. NATO initiatives and actions NATO only plays a minor role in the region, with Mauritania having been included in the Mediterranean Dialogue (since 1994), together with Jordan, Israel, Egypt, Alge-ria, Tunisia and Morocco. Every year a political meeting is held within the NATO-7 MD council, in addition to others dealing with military aspects to coordinate joint activities, for example individualised cooperation programmes, visits to NATO or-ganisms, participation in training courses or as observers during exercises, as well as participation in NATO-led operations. The commitment of France to its former African possessions The policy of France regarding its former colonies in the Sahel has been variously described as “confusing”, “relatively opaque”, “centralised” and, on occasion, “bor-dering on the illegal”80. Despite repeatedly shifting its stance over the years, France’s commitment to the security and development of the region is nevertheless unequivo-cal, as was demonstrated during operation Serval in Mali. 77  “Pourquoi les Etats-Unis ont fait du Niger leur tête de pont en Afrique”. Le Monde Afrique. (2017, October 25). On fait-du-niger-leur-tete-de-pont-en-afrique_5205803_3212.html#mR3jeeGUrVBcaKBp.99. Date of reference 28/03/18. 78  TIMM, Trevor. “Niger is the perfect example of the US state of perma-war”. The Guardian (2017, October 27). On permanent-war-posturing. Date of reference 28/03/18. 79  BOURREAU, Marie. “G5 Sahel: les Etats-Unis s’engagent sans l’ONU”. Le Monde Afrique (2017, October 31) On sans-l-onu_5208170_3212.html. Date of reference 29/03/18. 80  LE GOURIELLEC, Sonia. “La política de Francia en el Sahel”. Cuadernos de Estrategia 176. Sahel 2015, origen de desafíos y oportunidades. IEEE. Spanish Ministry of Defence, p. 88. On http:// Date of reference 29/03/18. Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos n.º 12 - Año: 2018 - Págs.: 325 a 366

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