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Alberto Gallego Gordon The structural causes of instability and conflict... 359 an integral perspective is required that links security and development via cooperative security, diplomatic activities and participation in international missions. As a result of the International Conference on the Sahel in February 2018, the president of the Spanish government92 announced a Spanish contribution of 106 mi-llion euros for the period 2018-2021 to enable “the Sahel countries to leave behind poverty”, since “guaranteeing the security and development of the Sahel countries is vital for both Spain and the European Union”93. For 2018 Spain is expected to exceed 100 million euros in spending on Africa, including the cost of the missions in Mali, Senegal and Gabon, support to the Sahel Defence Academy and additional financing of the Gender Equality Platform of the Permanent G5 Secretariat. For the Maurita-nian battalion of the G5 Joint Force, Spain will supply protection material worth one million euros. CONCLUSIONS The fall of the Gaddafi regime is at the origin of the exponential increase of insta-bility in the Sahel, a fact that has been exploited by both separatist rebel movements and groups of organised crime and terrorists, while the lines between them become increasingly blurred. The situation of instability in Mali caused by jihadist groups, and in the Lake Chad region with Boko Haram, continues to pose a threat to the security of the population, hampering its development. Moreover, the converging interests of these groups, made enormously rich by illegal trafficking and outdoing the official authorities in terms of resources, are seriously questioning the weakened states’ ability to govern. The consequences of not achieving adequate levels of security and stability are al-most unimaginable at the moment, but do certainly not bode well for the future of the region. The possible existence of a string of countries to the south with government institutions taken hostage by criminal organisations or terrorist groups and acting as “safe havens” for all kinds of illicit activities is perceived as a constant threat to secu-rity both in the Maghreb and in Europe. Therefore, the situation could be described as constituting the perfect breeding ground for instability and conflict in the short, medium and long term. The results of this study therefore support the initial hypothesis, namely that under the circumstances described, and given the countries’ own inability to successfully 92  CALLEJA, Mariano. 23.02.18. EFE. Available on sahel-201802231254_noticia.html. Fecha de consulta 24.02.18. 93  Rajoy refuerza cooperación con el Sahel porque es “vital” para España y la UE. 23.02.18. EFE. Available on con-el-sahel-porque-es-vital-para-espana-y-la-ue_1449314/. Fecha de consulta 24.02.18. Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos n.º 12 - Año: 2018 - Págs.: 325 a 366

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