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422 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 12 / 2018 try that openly denounced China for undertaking a dangerous act that in its view was a “violation” of OST Article IX.122 CONCLUSIONS The current panorama resulting from an increasing number of new space actors with widely varying security policies has had several consequences; on the one hand, a tilt towards an arms race that could jeopardise space assets; on the other hand, the super powers’ refusal to weaken their space strategies has resulted in a significant accu-mulation of obstacles in the way of new agreements aimed at the correct management of orbital resources and arms control. In short, a greater number of space activities coupled with the absence of regulatory and sanction mechanisms is leading to the greater vulnerability of the space environment. The truth is therefore that a multila-teral approach to dealing with the issue of space debris seems very complicated and arduous. On the other hand, the second space age, especially since 2010, has witnessed a veritable explosion in the field of space activities with the entry of new public actors from all continents as well as an openness to the commercialisation of space by private agents. The following is a typical example: the first two flights of the Block 5 Falcon 9 rocket manufactured by SpaceX transported a satellite from Bangladesh123 and another from Indonesia124 in May and August 2018 respectively. This democratisation has multiple inherent advantages. Many states are in a posi-tion to modernise their security systems to better manage threats affecting their na-tional and human security, such as those that range from monitoring rebel troops or drug gangs to preventing of natural disasters or deforestation. Likewise, the possession of satellites has strongly boosted the socio-economic development of many countries, creating solid infrastructures, of radio broadcasting and mobile telephone communi-cations, ocean management and mining exploitation, among others. In addition to these significant advantages, an important effect of the democratisation process is that the new emerging players, aware of the advantages that space benefits bring, and with their increased global influence in line with the new shift in international relations and centres of power in the twenty-first century, may exercise a role in deterring the militarisation of space and the superpowers’ ASAT testing by advocating in favour of 122  Moltz, J. C., óp. cit., note 9, p. 104. 123  Henry, C., “How Bangladesh became SpaceX’s first Block 5 Falcon 9 customer”, SpaceNews, Washington, 9 May 2018, < falcon-9-customer/> consulted: 15-9-2018. 124  Henry, C., “SpaceX launches Telkom Indonesia satellite on first reflight of Block 5 Falcon 9 booster”, SpaceNews, Washington, 7 August 2018, < satellite-on-first-reflight-of-block-5-falcon-9-booster/> consulted: 15-9-2018. Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos n.º 12 - Año: 2018 - Págs.: 397 a 431

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