

160 Abstract Thoughts INSTITUTIONAL SPEECH DECEMBER 2018 Colonel Martínez-Ferrer, Artillery Branch Inspector, analyzes in the Ins-titutional Speech the activities carried out by the branch during 2018. Training and use THE AIR DEFENCE IN MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES. ISRAEL Israeli Armed Forces have a proven prestige within the international com-munity. This high status, along with their rooted sense of nationhood, their committed military industry, the great versatility of their available materiel and, above all, their vast experience in current conflicts turn Is-rael into a top military power in the world. ANTI MISSILE EXERCISE: “JOINT PROJECT OPTIC WINDMILL” (JPOW) The JPOW (Joint Project Optic Windmill) exercise has been designed within the frame of joint combined air defense so as to offer to the parti-cipants a unique scenario to experiment. The concept of exercise analy-sis and individual daily debates produces a constant flow of “lessons learned”, and a relevant subsequent learning curve. It also works as a test bed for new developments of weapon systems, motion sensors and general information. This technical and tactical/operational factor for the experiments makes the difference between this exercise and other similar ones. DEFENSE AND AIR OPERATIONS COMMAND’S ACTIVITIES AIR DEFENSE ARTILLERY COMMAND DEPLOYMENT IN THE DAOC’S OPERATION EAGLE EYE II / 18 As part of the Armed Forces operative chain (more specifically, inside the permanent CHOD missions (NFC-1)), the DAOC is in charge of the surveillance, control and general security of the national airspace, and of the air police missions too. It is supported by the Air Defence Artillery Command by means of generation and conveyance to its Commander from an Air Defense Unit. The regular activation of this operative structure provides with feedback about the availability, range and service the DAOC contributes with all around Spain. Besides, it helps to the safeguard of the airspace and the deterrence of possible threats as well as the dissemination of the Culture of Defense. DEMYSTIFYING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: HOW WILL AIR DEFEN-SE BE CHANGED? Artificial intelligence is part of our daily life. We constantly see how it beco-mes an active part of relevant fields with new implementations and more complex functions while society struggles to grasp how it works or which the unwanted, long-term secondary effects will be. This humble analysis, suitable for all audiences, will try to demystify one of the greatest issues of today’s society. The reader will have first hand information on its functio-ning and the benefits it can provide to the field of air defense. AMMUNITION TRANSPORT CAPACITY OF A DIRECT SUPPORT FIELD ARTILLERY BATTALION Logistics gains great relevance in operation planning, mainly regarding ammunition transport capacity. Although there is quantifying data, one datum remains concealed: what ammunition transport capacity does a direct support field artillery battalion have? The answer seems to be ob-vious, but we use to have it in terms of weight (tons) and not with the exact number of projectiles, which is the necessary datum to quantify that capacity. Up to date, no military publication offers that piece of information.

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