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‘Ž‡–À±…‹…‘†‡‰‡‹‡”Àƒ Referencias bibliográficas 1 V. P. Gil Jiménez, «Algoritmos en transmisión y recepción para OFDM en entornos multi-usuario», Tesis Doctoral, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid, 2005. 2 M. Doeltz, E. Head and D. Martin, «Binary data transmission techniquies for linear systems», Proc. IRE, 45, 656-661, 1957. 3 M. S. Zimmermann and A. Kirsch, «The AN/GSC-10 (KATHRYN) Variable Rate Data Modem for HF Radio», IEEE trans. On Communications, 15(2), 197-204, 1967. 4 T. M. Schmidl and D. C. Cox, Robust Frequency and Timing Synchronization for OFDM, IEEE Trans. on Communications, 45(12), 1613-1621, 1997. 5 H. Minn, M. Zeng and V. Bhargava, On timing offset estimation for OFDM systems, IEEE Communications Letters, 4(7), 242-244, 2000. 6 B. Park, H. Cheon, C. Kang and D. Hong, A novel timing estimation method for OFDM systems,IEEE Communications 4ϴ Letters, 7(5), 239-241, 2003.

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