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Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos Núm. 13 / 2019 Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos n.º 13 - Año: 2019 - Págs.: 111 a 142 112 conforme a las circunstancias internas y externas y a los recursos de que disponen. Los organismos de lucha contra el terrorismo pueden así reali-zar un análisis de esos cambios, que se reflejan en la organización interna de estos grupos y en sus capacidades, con el fin de identificar y concen-trarse en puntos débiles concretos para obtener unos resultados óptimos. Este modelo general puede seguir mejorándose con el fin de incluir otras áreas que ayudarían a elaborar modelos particulares para entidades terro-ristas concretas que operen en cualquier entorno específico. Palabras clave Terrorismo, lucha contra el terrorismo / lucha antiterrorista, yihadista, Estado Islámico, estrategia. Abstract The formulation and implementation of effective counterterrorism strategies require a robust understanding of the dynamics and inter-related organi-zational elements of the outfits being combated in order to have a balanced all-round view of their strong points and the weak zones that can be focused upon for more efficient operations. Focusing on ISIS and the Jihadist Lone Wolf type, the threats they pose to the Spanish society can be better countered through a proactive approach also underpinned by the imperatives of the organizational elements of these organizations. Supplementing the existing frameworks being used by agencies, an invaluable perspective would be to observe the business and management dynamics within these organizations by creating a blueprint of their different dimensions - their linkages, im-peratives, compulsions and the constraints that drive their structure and operations. In this context, the blueprint model introduced by these two types includes the areas of mission, structure, financing, recruitment, and propagation. The model shows the sequencing between the various areas of management with the options chosen by rational leadership in terms of the better fitting according to the internal and external environments and resources at their disposal. An analysis of such progression that results in the internal organization and the capabilities of the entities can then be deployed by the counterterrorism agencies to identify and home in on the specific weak points for optimal results. This Model can be further enhanced to include other areas that would help in creating blueprints for specific terrorist entities operating in any specific environment. Keywords Terrorism, counterterrorism, jihadist, ISIS, strategy. Citar este artículo: YOUNES, E. «Marco y análisis del Estado Islámico desde perspectivas clásicas de gestión».Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos. 2019, número 13, pp- 111-142

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