Introduction to issue 13 of the ieee journal - Francisco José Dacova Cerviño - Introduction to issue 13 of the ieee journal - Francisco José Dacova Cerviño


179 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies ISSN-e: 2255-3479 Francisco José Dacova Cerviño Brigadier Director of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Introduction to issue 13 of the IEEE journal Dear colleagues, I am pleased to introduce you all the Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies, 13th volume. To our satisfaction, the present volume includes a range of topics together with a distinguished international participation, as it contains articles coming from two nearby countries such as Portugal and Italy. But before I briefly present the content of the document let me share with you some new technical improvements concerning the digital edition of the journal. In order to overcome certain problems when accessing the website, we have hosted our publication in a new server, thus providing both greater security and easier ac-cess, avoiding unsuitable and unpleasant denials to those trying to access our website. Likewise, we have updated the OJS system version and streamlined the interface. We have addressed these small improvements in response to your kind suggestions. I think very honestly that your comments, proposals and, why not, complaints¡ will be of great help to improve our journal, volume after volume; surely it will encourage us in our effort to become a knowledge and assessment forum for the scientist community as well as scholars interested in Security and Defence matters Events in the international arena happen at breakneck speed. The Maghreb –a re-gion of vital importance both for the stability and security of the countries of the area itself but also for the rest of the Mediterranean nations, for Europe and for the whole international community- is going through crucial times especially for two countries, Libya and Algeria. The partial defeat of the Daesh does not definitively ends with this threat that has caused us tragic moments to live. On the contrary, the uncertainty of its short-term evolution together with the possible return to the insurgency continues to attract the attention of governments and intelligence services. The relationship bet-ween terrorism and organized crime is known since the origins of the jihadist threat. All these concerns should move us to the broadest and most intense international Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos n.º 13 - Año: 2019 - Págs.: 179 a 182

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