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Eisa Younes Framing and analyzing ISIS through classical management… 295 far outweighs such concerns. They may aim to get access to funds through links with some established networks, for example a firm whereby they are funded through ISIS links in a relative anonymous capacity. Anti- money laundering moves by agencies can mitigate this avenue. Banking channels have been made more difficult to tap into but the emergence of cryptocurrencies provides yet another form. Bitcoin, being the most popular of such currencies, has gained prominence due to safe transactions, low costs, anonymity and the high speed of international transfers32. Fortunately, however, the proliferation of these currencies amongst the terror networks is not high, as banking channels have been strengthened to militate against such spread. Hawala is a popular mechanism for the transfer of money from Europe mainly for terrorists, but not towards Europe, as reported in an investigation. The diaspora communities residing in Europe play a main role in funding this for violent activities in their countries of origin. A disturbing feature here is the link between the places of worship and the procurement of funding for terrorist causes. In most cases, it has been reported that calls for fundraising and such donations are made in mosques, or through websites and other social media forums. Non-profit organizations (NPO) can be used as a vehicle to launder money and fund terrorism. Propagation The structure of a terrorist organization affects significantly the choices of avenues preferred by it regarding propagating its mission for the purpose of gathering constit-uency support. In the case of a cellular structure, there can be significant differences amongst the cells regarding their single agreed-upon measure to propagate, as was the case with ETA33. In the case of jihadist organizations, including their inspired lone operators, the main avenue at the disposal of the religious groups generally provides them with multiple benefits. All this is centered upon heavy indoctrination of the masses, and is focused on exploiting the places of worship, social gatherings, and also various modes of conventional and alternative social media platforms, together with printed material to propagate their aims and mission. A coherent and cohesive strategy must be adopted by counterterrorism agencies to combat the exploitation of the places of worship and also to provide counter narratives since a vacuum is always conducive for the terrorists. This requires effective modes in sundry communities and also to specifically outlaw any indoctrination carried out at places of worship or elsewhere. In Europe, such narrative building is outlawed as a hate crime. Continued control and vetting of material being taught in religious 32  Europol. “Terrorism Situation and Trend Report”. 2018. 33  Heger, L., Jung, D., & Wong, W. “Organizing for Resistance: How Group Structure Impacts the Character of Violence”. Terrorism and Political Violence, 2012, no. 24, 743-768. Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos n.º 13 - Año: 2019 - Págs.: 275 a 306

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