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48 Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos Núm. 13 / 2019 Abstract The Maghreb is a regional system in which two states, Morocco and Algeria, both potentially dominant in terms of geographical size, population and the size of their economy, their military power and their ability to influence, are competing for a position of regional leadership. The hegemonic ambition of both states in regional context takes precedence over security policies, which makes them to adopt expansionary policies while ignoring the fact that, in doing so, they pose a security dilemma to their adversary aggravated by the problem of perception. Although the Maghreb constitutes a balanced bipo-lar security system with a low risk of military confrontation, nevertheless lack of information about the security policies of the other stakeholder feeds regional competition and increases the possibilities of conflict. Keywords Maghreb, Morocco, Algeria, Sahara, System, Dilemma, Security, Competi-tion, Leadership, Confrontation. Citar este artículo: FUENTE, I. «Las políticas de seguridad en el Magreb desde la pers-pectiva del realismo ofensivo». Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos.2019, número 13, pp. 47-78 Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos n.º 13 - Año: 2019 - Págs.: 47 a 78

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