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62 Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos Núm. 0 / 2012 This paper is focused on the effective interaction between intelligence and learned lessons methodology as a specific form of knowledge management for action in an organization. Learning lessons is also proposed as a pro-cess included in the analytical and forecast capabilities by means of past exploitation. Although firstly based on the principles of military doctrine it may be applied to different areas of activity in public and private fields. A systematic study of cases in a timeline and the ways of learning should be applied to the continuous improvement of processes in all levels of a learning organization, including the own identity based on the shared ex-perience. It is also reviewed the concepts of projection, extrapolation and forecasting and their differences as proactive forms of intelligence. A final reflection is written on the increasing opportunity of specialization for in-telligence analysts to the design and implementation of Units of Analysis and exploitation of Learned Lessons in public and private organizations to improve their competitiveness. Learned Lessons, Intelligence, Applied Knowledge, History of War, Intelli-gence Analysis, Information Exploitation, Knowledge Management, Lear-ning Organizations.

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