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265 Ignacio Cartagena Núñez Cuestión de credibilidad comenzó a especular sobre las posibles consecuencias que tendría la liberación de las reservas por parte de la AIE (ver gráfico a continuación). El mero debate sobre las consecuencias de una medida que no se llegó a tomar tuvo la influencia deseada: se logró contener la escalada en los precios del crudo durante algunas semanas, dando un respiro a los mercados. Gráfico 3: cómo lanza señales la AIE a los mercados de energía. Julio de 2102 y la petición del Reino Unido. Anuncio en prensa y evolución de los mercados. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Oil price falls as Britain says it is ready to call for release of reserves at the IEA. August 20, 2012, Reuters. The Government is monitoring the oil price and may call on the International Energy Agency to release its strategic reserves to cool prices, a spokesman has said. The UK may ask for strategic reserves to be releasd by the IEA to cool prices as oil supply remains tight. The UK is prepared to ask the International Energy Agency (IEA) to take action to deal with high oil prices, but no decision has been made to release stocks, a energy ministry spokesman has said. “We and our international partners continue to monitor the oil market and stand ready to call upon the International Energy Agency to take appropriate action as required. No decisions have been taken to release stocks at this stage,” the spokesman told Reuters. “The market remains very tight. This has a knock-on impact on the oil price and therefore the global economic recovery,” he said. IEA may release oil reserves as soon as September: report.August 24, 2012|Michel Rose and Jonathan Leff | Reuters. 
PARIS/NEW YORK (Reuters) - World oil consumers are poised to tap into emergency oil inventories as soon as early September after the International Energy Agency (IEA) dropped its resistance to a U.S.-led plan, a source and an oil journal said on Friday. Just one week after its chief said there was no discussion of possible emergency action, the IEA is now thought to have agreed to the idea, the industry journal Petroleum Economist reported on Friday, citing unnamed sources. The release could be as large or larger than last year’s 60 million barrel injection. ______________________________________________________________________________________

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