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299 Miguel Ángel Ballesteros Martín Introduction Brigadier General Miguel Ángel Ballesteros Martín Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Director. INTRODUCTION Last July, the Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies was included in the catalogue of Latindex, in the field of defense, security, political science, and public administration. This is a decisive first step on the path which we have plotted and which is none other than to reach maximum scientific recognition both in the Spanish-speaking and in the English-speaking worlds, using as a base the scientific rigor and control of this publication, which, faithful to its semi-annual calendar, presents its issue Number 4, which is in fact its fifth. On this occasion, we present nine articles which we consider to be of great interest. In the first of these, Rosa María Fernandez Egea sets forth the need for finding solutions to those conflicts generated by the use, in some cases excessive and harmful, of fishing resources, especially in such waters as the North Sea, where the bordering countries have traditionally exploited endangered species and which generate great sensitivity in international public opinion. Food security, appropriateness of use, and exploitation of natural marine resources underlie the author’s analysis. In a very different area, Carlos Setas Vílchez follows a research project for an absolutely rigorous historical analysis of the Al Qaeda organization, based on data from the last 15 years, and very especially on the letters from “Abbottabad” and the data base of the “Harmony Project”. Neither does the author ignore the various branches still currently operative, nor the principal leaders of jihadism on an international scale. At a time when the ISAF operation in Afghanistan is taking stock of results, Jose Antonio Fernández Alfaro offers in his article an evaluation of the programs for the Reform of the Security Sector (RSS) which have been implemented in Afghanistan, and the influence that these have had on the Armed Forces of the country. The analysis is enriched by the inclusion of the personal experiences of the author, who participated in the international mission, carrying out tasks related to the material in his paper.

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