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454 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies N. 4 / 2014 Support 3 mission which will be mainly focused on offering training, advice and support to the ANSF. The milestones that will now start being met were agreed upon at various NATO Summits, as well as at the International Conference on Afghanistan which took place in Bonn on the 5 December 2011. The NATO Lisbon Summit (November 2010) and the Chicago Summit (2012)4 established that the Afghan government would agree with the countries deploying troops to ISAF on the gradual transfer of security competencies across Afghanistan to the Afghan National Security Forces before the end of 2014.5 In addition, the International Afghanistan Conference decided that following the transition process that is now coming to an end, the so-called “Transformation Decade” between 2015 and 2024 would begin. The international community would continue to provide support to the ANSF for training, equipment, financing and development of their capabilities.6 The international community has maintained a presence on this territory for 13 years. Over these 13 years, various strategies and formulae for the reconstruction of this failed state have been put into practice. One of these strategies is the implementation of the Security Sector Reform (SSR) theoretical model in the Afghan National Security Forces by the international community, and particularly by the US military forces during the first years. There have been many successes and failures related to the creation of the ANSF, which has almost 370,000 personnel. Considering that they will play a vital role in providing internal security and stability to Afghanistan as of January 2015, perhaps the time is now ripe for an in-depth study of the ANA model (as one of the fundamental elements of the ANSF), of its structure, capabilities, equipment, financing, training, recruitment, etc. to understand what has worked well and what mistakes have been made in the implementation of the Security Sector Reform model on the ANA. 3  Once the Transformation Decade comes to an end in 2024, the ANSF should be able to assume complete control of security missions in Afghanistan without any support from the international community. 4  Consulted June 2014 under 5  Resolution 2145 adopted by the Security Council (7139th meeting), on 17 March 2014. Consulted June 2014 under 6  Point 13 of the conclusions from the: The International Afghanistan Conference. Consulted June 2014 under .

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