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Abstract 111 Technique and Research NEW FIELD ARTILLERY FUZES In this article, two newly acquired field artillery fuzes are being analysed. We will look not only into their parts, but also into their different operation modes and the inductive programmer needed for their setting. TALOS, FIRE SUPPORT COMMAND, CONTROL AND INFORMATION SYSTEM: THE NECESSARY EVOLUTION I In this article, we present the results of the analysis carried out by the TALOS working group, with regard to the needs of the evolu-tion of this system. History THE FORGOTTEN ARTILLERY-MAN In this article, I would like to remember Lieutenant Colonel José Santos Ascarza, and give him his due place. He belonged to the 205 Artillery school year, and was the senior-most Spanish and artillery soldier fallen in Russia on February 10th 1943, during the Krasny-bor battle. Despite the rivers of ink spilled on the Spanish Volunteer Division (DEV), very few things have been written on the abovementioned Lieutenant Colonel. INSCRIPTIONS AND ENGRAVINGS IN ARTILLERY CANNONS The archaic, rough and fragile artillery at the end of the 14th century and the beginning of the 15th century did not seem to be in need of any artistic features to make the barrels surface beautiful. Never-theless, in the 16th century, when smelting and military industries had a special importance, and the artillery became a sign of royal power, cannons started to show all types of engravings, mottos, le-gends and sentences. Smelters were the key element in the military industry and their expertise on alloys, technical drawing, mytholo-gy, etc…, which was highly appreciated, has produced quite a lot of artillery, powder and fortification treatises along history.

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