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178 Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos (IEEE) Núm. 10 / 2017 Abstract Both, national and EU maritime policy should adapt to the changes in the world caused by globalization and new threats. The required evolution, besides the regulation of the several sectoral policies, requires removing the brakes on the political will of the actors involved, at national and commu-nity levels, and boost interest regarding Maritime Safety and Security. The evolution of maritime policies in the European Union and Spain have followed parallel tracks and encountered the same barriers to cross. Keywords Policy, strategy, surveillance, reporting, European Union, Spain. Como citar este artículo: GARCÍA, Adolfo.“ La evolución de la política marítima en la Unión Europea y en España: del «safety» al «security».Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos. 2017, núm.10.

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