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REVISTA_IEEE_10 326 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 10 / 2017 Another novelty was the physical design of the bomb, given that, according to the experts, it appeared smaller and lighter, thus indicating that the intention would be to load it on an intercontinental ballistic missile (possibly Teapo Dong III, with a range of 15,000 km). We recall that in December 2012 the space rocket Unba-3 -model KN-08-, had been launched with a range of 6,000 kilometres (capable of reaching Alaska or Hawaii)50, to apparently locate a satellite in orbit. The next step could be the incorporation of nuclear loads -probably plutonium extracted from the Yongbyon nuclear power plant- aboard a short, medium or long-range ballistic missile51. In response, the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 2094 (2013), which reinforced and broadened the scope of financial sanctions, including blocking transfers to individuals and other entities, and the freezing of new assets52. On the other hand, the Resolution requires that the DPRK does not conduct any further nuclear test in the future, that it abandon any such programme, and return to the Non-Proliferation Treaty. With the new nuclear test and its display of technological progress, Kim Jong-Un felt that he was reinforcing his legitimacy in the eyes of the people and the international community, following the legacy of his father, Kim Jong-Il. Besides, on assuming power, Kim Jong-Un had reformed the Constitution to officially recognise that the DPRK is a state endowed with nuclear weapons, establishing the country for the first time as a “nuclear power”53, thereby making a hypothetical abandonment of atomic weapons by North Korea more difficult from now on. Continuing with its resolute strategy, on February 7, 2015, North Korea tested five short-range ballistic missiles in the city of Wonsan54, and on May 9, it successfully launched a ballistic missile from a submarine55. On January 6, 2016, North Korean radio and television broadcast an official statement on the successful completion of a nuclear test at a military site in the north of the country. It was its fourth test of atomic 50  Ibid. pp. 5-13. 51  AA.VV., Le conflit autour du programme atomique Nord Coréen, Centre for Security Studies, nº 121, ETH Zurich, October 2012, pp. 1-4. 52  Points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of UN Security Council Resolution 2094 (2013), March 7, 2013. 53  The following preamble was included in the 2012 reform of the DPRK Constitution,: “The President of the National Defence Commission, Kim Jong-Il, made our country an invincible state in terms of political ideology, a State endowed with nuclear weapons and an indomitable military power, thus opening the way to the construction of a strong and prosperous nation. 54  See BBC, published February 7, 2015, ultnot_corea_norte_misil_az (consulted on January 10, 2016). 55  See CNN, published on May 9, 2015, on lanza-un-misil-balistico-desde-un-submarino (consulted on January 10, 2016).

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