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Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 10 / 2017 342 Sleeping Beauty with a loving kiss was not limited to children’s stories. It was merely a visible element. Violence, in the collective imagination, has become a concern of “others”. Legality (and to a certain extent the establishment) deem that use of force cannot be branded violent. Faced with the homogenous and uniform violence carried out by state security corps and forces, we find ourselves before a barbaric, amateur, violence that responds to behaviours and never to structures7. This process, through which certain forms of direct and structural violence are socially accepted (or even considered correct), is what Galtung calls cultural violence and legitimises the other two forms of violence. Thus, direct violence is an act/event, structural violence a process and cultural violence an invariable, a permanence. The American wartime film industry offers excellent examples of how direct violence can be perceived not as such at all. The enemy falls to the ground or is victim of an explosion that causes him to disappear from the scene while the hero is injured and, if he dies, has some final words to add. It is not unusual for the antagonists in a film to not even speak at all. If we watch13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, we can see that the terrorists have no dialogues, they simply carry out acts of violence (narratively unmotivated). We can also see how in films such as Lone Survivor, only the “allied” characters have dialogue. In this film, the only life (in as far as having a biography and personality) is that of the American soldiers and those willing to help them. The rest don’t exist. Once again, the Taliban are struck down while the protagonists die slowly and establish signs of empathy. In the media, it is quite common to read or hear that terrorists are killed or simply die. Drones don’t cause massacres, even if they kill 150 terrorists (because this way they are denied their humanity: they are terrorists, not humans) who have been sentenced by a missile with no guarantees or previous trial. And this is where the media tends to use a doublelexicon to refer to the use of force by terrorists or by the state: •  The USA enters Syria andkills8 an Islamic State commander (Headline)9. o The operation aimed to capture Abu Sayyafwhodied10in the military operation. (Subheading). 7  DELGADO RUIZ, Manuel. Op Cit. 8  Author’sitalics. 9  AYUSO, Silvia. «EE UU entra en Siria y mata a un alto mando del Estado Islámico.» El País, 17 May2015, html (last consulted 20.03.2017). 10  Author’sitalics.

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