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Pablo Cañete Blanco Jihadism as an expression of violence... 343 •  From Bin Laden to Jihadi John, the terrorist leaders killed11 by the USA (Headline)12. o Afghan intelligence services confirmed this Sunday the death13 of Taliban Mullah Mansur in a drone attach on Pakistani territory (Subheading). •  The perpetrator of the Orlando massacre14 called the police during the shooting (Headline)15. o In turn, the attacker Omar Mateen was shot and died16. (Body of the article). •  US drone kills17150 terrorists in Somalia (Headline)18. o “We hit the camp19 and destroyed it”, explained the Department of Defence’s spokesman to journalists, without stating whether the attack resulted in civilian victims. (Body of the article). So, we separate violence and force to legitimise ourselves and to deny the other their human character. The natural forms of violence have, in general, a legitimisation that allows the person carrying out the violence this primitive inhibition. Withholding, in contrast, their narrative, their humanity, converts the enemy into a zombie, guided by elementary murderous instincts, an entity that exists only through the animus necandi. And the effect of removing the narrative from violence is to annihilate its very essence, which is to produce meaning20. 11  Idem. 12  GAVIÑA, S. «De Bin Laden a Jihadi John, los líderes terroristas abatidos por EE.UU.» ABC, 23 May2016, 201605230308_noticia.html. (last consulted 20.03.2017). 13  Author’s italics. 14  Idem. 15  TRILLO, Manuel. «El autor de la masacre de Orlando llamó a la policía en medio del tiroteo.» ABC, 13 June 2016: 201606131719_noticia.html. (last consulted 20.03.2017). 16  Author’sitalics. 17  Idem. 18  EFE. «Dron de Estados Unidos mata a 150 terroristas en Somalia.» El Comercio, 7 Marzo 2016, 1884504. (last consulted 20.03.2017). 19  Author’sitalics. 20  RODRIGO ALSINA, Miquel. «La Narratativització de la violència.» Quarderns del CAC, 2003: 15-21. GUNARATNA, Rohan, Arie W. KRUGLANSKI, and Michele GELFAND. «Terrorism as Means to an End: How Political Violence Bestows Significance.» InMeaning, Mortality and Choice: The Social Psychology of Existential Concerns, by Phillip R. Shaver and Mario Mikulincer, 203-213. Washington, D.C. (United States): American Psychological Association, 2012.

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