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369 María del Carmen Girón Tomás An analysis of the National Security Law... The line of approach adopted with this proposal is in accordance with the framework of the National Security Law and the strategic lines of action contained in the National Security Strategy of 2013 A shared project 5, as well as in previous Annual Reports on National Security and the 2016 Annual National Security Report 6 . Similarly it takes into account the Spanish government’s warning 7 of the need to tackle the new challenges of National Security. In the Guidelines for the drafting of the National Security Strategy 8 it is clearly stated that “the draft National Security Strategy should include an analysis of the strategic environment to identify the risks and threats that affect the Security of Spain, to define the strategic lines of action in each area of activity and to promote the best possible use of existing resources”. From a methodological standpoint,9 attention is paid in this paper to the analysis of the variable multiples interacting along these strategic lines and in particular: •  The security environment. •  The goals and objectives. •  The strategy. •  The limited resources. •  The means and utilities. •  The risks. Bartlett’s method of analysis, combining variables to set goals and achieve a balance between all of them, is ideal for defining National Security strategies through their interaction. 5  GOVERNMENT OF SPAIN. PRIME MINISTER’S OFFICE, National Security Strategy, A shared project, 2013, NIPO 002130347. Accessed on September 24, 2014 http://www.lamoncloa.gob. es/documents/seguridad_1406connavegacionfinalaccesiblebpdf.pdf. 6  GOVERNMENT OF SPAIN. PRIME MINISTER’S OFFICE AND MINISTRY OF TERRITORIAL ADMINISTRATIONS. Annual National Security Report 2016, approved by the National Security Council at its meeting on January 20, 2017 NIPO electronic ed. 785-17-002X. de_Seguridad_Nacional_2016.pdf. Consulted on 15.2.17. 7,8  PRIME MINISTER’S OFFICE AND MINISTRY OF TERRITORIAL ADMINISTRATIONS, PRA Order 115/2017, February 9, in its publication of the Agreement of the National Security Council, establishing the schedule of procedures for the drafting of the National Security Strategy. State Gazette number 38, February 14, 2017, Sec I, pp 9878 and 9879. pdfs/BOE-A-2017-1459.pdf. Consulted February 14, 2017. 8  9  BALLESTEROS MARTÍN, Miguel Ángel. “Theoretical methods for the drafting of defence and security strategies” in Searching for a National Security Strategy Ed. Ministry of Defence, General Technical Secretariat; Prologue Javier Solana; Edition number: 1ª; Ed. Ministry of Defence: Madrid, 2016, pp.151 to 152 and 165 to 168. ISBN 978-84-9091-176-1 (printed version).

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