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371 María del Carmen Girón Tomás An analysis of the National Security Law... recommends that Mobility and Land Transport Security in an international context should be considered as a line of action under our National Security Strategy, since our National Security Law reflects the need to comply with the international commitments assumed by this country. Its regulation is addressed from the perspective of Comprehensive Security, and as such “subscribes a comprehensive approach to security, which recognises a balance between its political, economic, socio-cultural and environmental dimensions”12. THE SECURITY OF COUNTRIES AT INTERNATIONAL LEVEL The concept of Security is a very complex one and has undergone multiple transformations since the end of the Cold War. Security specifies that in its definition qualifying adjectives should be included with their different meanings, such as National, International, Interior, External, Regional, Territorial, Public, Private, Human, Collective, Shared, Cooperative, Global, Comprehensive, Sustainable, Energy, Traffic, Food, Cybersecurity, etc. Therefore, Security is today a complex, dynamic and mutated concept. In an approximation to the definition of Security the Royal Spanish Academy’s Dictionary of the Spanish Language13, defines it as “the quality of secure” and “secure”, and also “free and exempt from all danger, damage or risk”. For its part, the Dictionary of Intelligence and Security14 establishes the meaning of Security as follows: “situation free or exempt from threats, danger, damage or risk that permits the satisfactory development of activities (...)”. This work also includes in its definitions a varied typology of related adjectives: Citizenship, Cryptology, Information, Classified Information, Emanations, Information and Communication Technologies, Operations, Personnel, In-depth, Physical, Human, Comprehensive, Interior, Legal, Multilayer, National, Private, Public and Tactical. containing a detailed reference to Spain’s activities in an international context in relation to Security, including Defence, with regard to International Organisations and Agencies, multilateral scenarios of various kinds and with the participation of other countries. de_Seguridad_Nacional_2016.pdf Consulted on 15.2.17 NIPO ed. electrónica 785-17-002X. 12  LABORIE IGLESIAS, Mario TCol DEM, Framework paper 05/2011 La evolución del concepto de Seguridad, Ministry of Defence, IEEE, June 2011, p.3, marco/2011/DIEEEM05-2011EvolucionConceptoSeguridad.pdf Consultedel 12 January 2012. 13  Dictionary of the Spanish Language Twenty-second Consulted on November 27, 2010. 14  DÍAZ FERNÁNDEZ, Antonio M. et al. Dictionary of Intelligence and Security. Ed. Lid, prologue José Manuel Blecua: Madrid, 2013, pp. 230 to 234.

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