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383 María del Carmen Girón Tomás An analysis of the National Security Law... for the subsequent development of all initiatives related to our Security, in its broadest sense. The new Strategy will bring continuity to the understanding of National Security as a state policy of consensus, with a collaborative procedure involving the public authorities, civil society and the private sector, configuring a Strategy at the service of the people and general interests and with the need for continual updating to deal with changes on the international landscape”44. PROPOSAL TO INCLUDE SECURITY ON LAND ROUTES AS AN AREA OF NATIONAL SECURITY AND MOBILITY AND LAND TRANSPORT SECURITY AS A LINE OF ACTION UNDER THE NATIONAL SECURITY STRATEGY Security across land routes relates to both road and railway support systems, already provided for in the protection of critical infrastructure, and to activities of a diverse nature carried out on inland routes. Security on Land Routes is a critical issue, and a key area that conditions social and economic life and welfare, and permits the preservation of rights and freedoms inside and outside Spain, predominantly in the EU, which, on account of its mediate nature, paves the way for other spheres of National Security. The transport of people overland in the EU45 reached 89.8% in 2010, of which 73.7% was done in private vehicles46, 7.9% by coach, and 6.3% by rail and the remainder by other inland modes of transport. The transport of goods by road over the same period was 56.1%, with 45.9% by road and 10.2% by rail, while in 2014 in the EU the total transport of goods by road amounted to 74.9%, with 18.5% by rail47. The total length of the railway network in the European Union in 201448 was about 220,000 kilometres, an increase of 2% compared to the year 2009 and in the case of 44  DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL SECURITY, Spanish Government. Drafting of National Security Strategy 2017ón-nueva- estrategia-seguridad-nacional-2017 Consulted on March 11, 2017. 45  EUROPEAN COMMISSION, ‘Road transport, a change of gear’, 2012. Consulted on June 26, 2013 on 46  EUROSTAT Passenger Transport Statistics (EU) A figure that rose in 2013 to 83.2% Consulted on December 3: 47  EUROSTAT Road freight transport in the European Union (EU), Consulted on December 3, 2016 on modal_split. 48  EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Fifth Report on monitoring the development of the EU rail market, to the European parliament and the Council, Brussels 8.12.16 COM (2016) 780 final. Consulted on January 2, 2017 on 2016-780-F1-ES-MAIN.PDF.

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