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415 Adolfo García Quintela The evolution of maritime policy in the European... “The evidence that any Maritime Security Regime needs to go beyond the local or regional to meet its objectives, and reach the area of global knowledge has not escaped the EU, and the European Defense Agency (EDA) recently commissioned a study, now completed, on how to link up MARSUR with other MSRs throughout the world”70. Beginning in 2009, projects BLUEMASSMED, MARSUNO, and CoopP have served to develop the maritime CISE, which is a major element for the Maritime Security Strategy of the EU, and necessary to give support to maritime surveillance activities. Systems related to the Exchange of Information in the EU YEAR SYSTEM Aim of the Exchange of Information 2002 SafeSeaNet Data about vessels and cargo 2003 Satellite-based Vessel Monitoring System Positions 2004 FRONTEX Control of borders 2006 MARSUR Network Maritime Surveillance 2007 CECIS Maritime incidents and disasters 2008 EUROSUR Immigration control 2009 SIENA Criminal activities 2009 BLUMASSMED Maritime surveillance in the Mediterranean Sea 2009 CISE Integration of maritime surveillance systems and networks 2010 Blue Hub Data about vessels 2011 MARSUNO Maritime Surveillance in the Northern European Sea Basins 2012 CoopP Coordination among authorities for maritime sur-veillance Source: The author’s creation. Thus, since 2002, the European Union has developed different systems for the exchange of information in the maritime field. Some of these systems manage a series of data that are the same and, in this sense, the systems are redundant. On the other hand, they also work with different data depending on the aim for which they were designed, thus being complementary. In any case, these systems are not interconnected and generate, in some instances, redundant information which may lead to inefficient financial investment and exploitation of the systems. Furthermore, 70  The Sea is never Calm… Op. cit. p.17.

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