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416 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 10 / 2017 the proliferation of systems may be understood as the lack of political will to share information, particularly when dealing with sensitive information. MARITIME POLICY IN SPAIN Spain is, or should be, an essentially maritime nation due to its geographic configuration and its history and, therefore, “maritime security”, in both of its aspects “safety” and “security” should be one of its main goals. The fact is that, as in many other countries, “maritime safety” did not become significantly important until after the 9/11 attacks. Since then, Spain, like the rest of the countries in the European Union has been reinforcing its maritime security through increasing human and material resources, and an increasing coordination among the departments and organisms in charge of it. However, in the case of Spain, the Navy has always undertaken surveillance and safety missions in maritime areas of sovereignty and national interest to avoid conflicts, defend our interests and protect the safety of our citizens. Furthermore, the Navy has also contributed to the State’s action at sea by collaborating with the rest of the State organizations with competences in the maritime field. Organic Law 6/1980 of July 1, which regulates the basic criteria of national defense and military organization, started the process of adaptation of the Armed Forces to the political system established by the Constitution of 1978. This law assigned the Navy the responsibility of meeting the maritime objectives for national defense71 which defense policy72 determines, and established that the Armed Forces and State Security Forces, and the Police Forces of the Autonomous Communities and any others in local areas would have to contribute to national defense73. This Organic Law did not yet specify the missions of maritime surveillance and security, and the contribution to State actions at sea through the collaboration with the rest of the State organizations. In 2002, with the disappearance of the territorial commands and the elimination of the Maritime Areas, Naval Sectors, Maritime Provinces, and Maritime Districts which were the root of the territorial structure of the Navy74, and taking into account 71  As stipulated in Article 30 of Organic Law 6/1980, of July 1, which regulates the basic criteria for national defense and military organization. 72  As stipulated in Article 4 of Organic Law 6/1980, of July 1, which regulates the basic criteria for national defense and military organization. 73  As stipulated in Article 20 of Organic Law 6/1980, of July 1, which regulates the basic criteria for national defense and military organization. 74  Royal Decree 912/2002, of September 6, by which the Basic Structure of the Armies is developed, and Order DEF/3537/2003, of December 10, which develops it, and establishes the elimination of the Maritime Areas, Naval Sectors, Maritime Provinces, and Maritime Districts which were the basis for

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