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422 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 10 / 2017 it reflects the lack of “institutional political” will to share information, and the need for a system or national network of systems with the capacity to share the necessary information. This need is in accord with what Fernando del Pozo expresses when he speaks of “How to alleviate dysfunctions”, pointing out the following: “But independently from the indispensable task of resolving the legislative tangle, in the practical sphere there appear for analysis two mutually dependent but separable fields: the exchange of information, and the management and operation of human and material means”88. The National Council on Maritime Security, aware that currently there does not exist in Spain any system for the exchange of information in the field of National Security which would connect the different Ministries and organisms, proposes the development of the National Security information exchange platform of the Department of National Security (COLABORA) and, specific to the maritime environment, of the maritime safety and security tool SEGMAR to improve shared knowledge, a more integral knowledge of the area of Maritime Security, and in particular of the risks and threats it must cope with. This would, as well, encourage improvement of communication among the relevant actors and help them to know and trust each other more in order to establish patterns of reinforced cooperation89. These systems are being tested as of this spring within the framework of exercises carried out by the Navy90. However, the achievement of shared information would be no more than one small step which would not solve the dispersion of means and competences existing in the Administration, which, in addition to this National Council on Maritime Safety and Security, perhaps needs an organism which would give coherence to maritime policy, having access to an integral capacity and vision of the sea and of maritime and naval resources. In this respect, Fernando del Pozo makes his recommendation, proposing the “Establishment of a simple structure, attached to the Presidency of the Government, bringing together the maritime competences today dispersed among—at least—the Ministries of …”91. 88  La mar nunca está en calma (The Sea is Never Calm)…Op. cit., p. 48. 89  Department of National Security, National Council on Maritime Security and Safety, Proposal for plan of action of the National Maritime Security Strategy, p. 15. 90  Information available at: HTTP:// Listado/150303-conferencia-cluster-seguridad-maritima-nacional-html. 91  La seguridad marítima hoy (Maritime Security Today)… Op. cit. p. 22.

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