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132 RICARDO GONZÁLEZ CASTRILLO la de procurar la mayor armonía entre los integrantes del mismo, intentar primeramente reducir al enemigo sin recurrir al combate abierto o no emprender la lucha en caso de guerra injusta. Finalmente, el manuscrito incluye como adenda -f.54v y 55r-, escrito con letra itálica de menor tamaño, el discurso que Pedro de Álava redactó en francés para que su señor el príncipe don Juan de Austria lo pronunciara ante la asamblea de nobles y altos dignatarios de los Países Bajos, cuando fue nombrado gobernador de aquellos territorios por su hermano Felipe II. Una vez expuesto el contenido del manuscrito de la Real Biblioteca de Madrid, he procedido a comparar dicho contenido con otras fuentes coetáneas de igual carácter, impresas y manuscritas, a fin de reseñar posibles semejanzas y discrepancias. Y el resultado ha sido altamente satisfactorio. PALABRAS CLAVE: Estrategia militar, siglo XVI. Guerra-estrategia, siglo XVI. Táctica militar, siglo XVI. Historia militar, siglo XVI. Ciencia militar, siglo XVI. Poliorcética, siglo XVI. ABSTRACT The collection of manuscripts of the Royal Library in Madrid includes one of them with the title Ardides treaty and stratagems of war, signed as II-3126. In the dedication to King Philip II, appears that this work was originally written in French and presented by one anonymous author to Don Juan of Austria in Flanders, who gave it to his manservant Pedro de Álavawith the demand to translate it into Spanish. The manuscript has 53 folios and own cover, numbered recently with pencil, written text in Italicized letter, except the title of the chapters and the marginal endnotes ranging in Roman characters. Ten are the chapters that compose the work, each of them are preceded by a statement which expresses one of the military principles of any war that any chief of army must observe and take into account when scheduling a meeting. Such principles deals with choosing the location of the battlefield, or drawing the enemy the most suitable for their own soldiers terrain, or instilling in fighting a true fighting spirit, or ordering rightly the troops, or finding a way to strike terror into opponents and avoidingeven battle in unfavorable situations. In defense and support of these assertions are remembered, as examples, several numbers of ruses and deceptions used in the past by illustrious general in order to reach the objectives. Revista de Historia Militar, 122 (2017), pp. 132-154. ISSN: 0482-5748

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