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Sanid. mil. 2017; 73 (1)  207 Sanidad Militar Revista de Sanidad de las Fuerzas Armadas de España Sanid. Mil. Volumen 73, número 4. ISSN: 1887-8571 Octubre-Diciembre 2017 CONTENTS EDITORIAL 209 Preparation and response in complex scenarios Cique Moya A. ORIGINAL ARTICLE 211 Health-related quality of life in Spanish military Fúnez Ñacle M., García Martínez M. SUMMARY: Background: Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is the perception, influenced by the current health status, of the capacity to perform those activities that are important for the individual. In military populations, HRQOL has been less investigat-ed than other aspects of military performance. Objective: To study the HRQoL of Spanish military personnel and their relation-ship with socio-demographic variables, establishing a comparison with the civilian population. Material and Method: Quantitative, descriptive and transversal study. Population: 130 soldiers of a high operating unit. Instruments: Socio-demographic questionnaire and the Spanish version of the SF-36 questionnaire (Spanish version). Statistical analysis: Descriptive statistics and correlation of variables with the R® software package. Results: 62% men, mean age 30 years; Professional training predominates (31%). 62% live in pairs; 52% with a seniority in the Armed Forces over eight years. 35% had participated in international missions. Officers and non-commissioned officers scored in almost all domains above the civilian average, except in the domain of bodily pain. The troops only score above the civilian population in three domains: general health, physical functioning and mental health. The sociodemographic variables, marital status, military employment and seniority have significant HRQoL scores. Conclusions: The military has better HRQoL in terms of overall physical health and mental health than the civilian population. The troop perceived worse their HRQoL. Variables: marital status, military employment and seniority seem to have a positive influence on HRQoL. KEYWORDS: Quality of life, health, SF-36 test, Military, Spain. 216 Proposal to improve the physical condition of the veteran military Godoy López JR., García Marco JF. SUMMARY: There is strong scientific evidence that concurrent high-intensity interval training improves the physical condi-tion of athletes of all ages; in addition, if well-managed, it reduces the risk of injuries associated with old age. Material and method: A pre-experimental study was carried out with a treatment of a group consisting of 7 Officers in the reserve of the Army (59,57 ± 2,07 years old, body mass index of 26,76 ± 2,84 kg / cm2) and usual athletes (4,14 ± 1,35 training sessions per week). For 8 weeks, they replaced two of their usual training days for two days in which high-intensity concurrent training tasks were performed, with an average intensity (measured by Borg’s 10-point perceived effort scale) of 8,29 ± 0,74 points and an average execution time of 20,80 ± 5,77 minutes. Results: Statistically significant improvements (p < 0,05) were observed in the following qualities assessed by validated physical fitness tests: agility in two different directions of rotation (right, 3,81 ± 0,19 to 3,61 ± 0,21 seconds and left, 3,90 ± 0,17 to 3,68 ± 0,18 seconds); lower limb power (standing long jump, 1,61 ± 0,09 to 1,72 ± 0,09 cm); muscular strength of trunk (flexo rotation in 90”, 39,14 ± 6,74 to 55,43 ± 10,94 reps) and upper limb (pull 18,71 ± 7,52 to 26,29 ± 9,91 reps and push, 21,29 ± 4,82 to 29,71 ± 6,85 reps) and cardiovascular resistance (recovery frequen-cy, 96,57 ± 9,81 to 90,86 ± 8,69 pulsations min-1). Regarding the flexibility quality, although there were positive variations in the results, they were not statistically significant. Conclusions: The introduction of at least two weekly routines based on concurrent high intensity training is positive for senior military personnel, improving most of the physical qualities, especially strength manifestations. KEYWORDS: Training, HIIT, Senior. BRIEF COMMUNICATION 224 Xanthochromic cerebrospinal fluid, how can it be possible? Navarro Suay R., García Aroca MA., López Soberón E., Pelet Pascual E. SUMMARY: The yellowish coloration of a body part or an organic liquid is called xanthochromia. Under physiological condi-tions cerebrospinal fluid is clear, colorless and odorless. Xanthochromia indicates that, in addition to other causes, there has been a release of hemoglobin from a hemorrhage somewhere in central nervous system. We report the case of a patient with a history of lumbar surgical intervention diagnosed as perianal abscess who needs surgery. During the intradural anesthesia, cerebrospinal fluid appeared xanthochromic. The etiology, diagnosis and procedure performed in the patient are analyzed. KEYWORDS: Xanthochronous cerebrospinal fluid, intradural anesthesia. TECHNICAL NOTE 226 Possitive assessment of drugs: june/july 2017 Sánchez Jimenez FJ., López Honduvilla FJ., Aparicio Hernández R., García Luque A. SUMMARY: The drugs assessed by the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products or the European Medicines Agency, made public in, June1 and July 20172, considered of interest to the healthcare professional, are reviewed. These are positive tech-nical reports prior to the authorization and placing of the product in the market. KEYWORDS: Adalimumab (Imraldi®); Atezolizumab (Tecentriq®); Avelumab (Bavencio®); Ciclosporina (Verkazia®); Cladri-bina (Mavenclad®): Darunavir / Cobicistat/ Emtricitabina/ Tenofovir Alafenamida (Symtuza®); Dupilumab (Dupixent®); Gle-caprevir / Pibrentasvir (Maviret®): Lutecio (177lu) Oxodotreotido (Lutathera®); Midostaurina (Rydapt®); Ribociclib (Kis-qal ®); Sofosbuvir/ Velpatasvir/ Voxilaprevir (Vosevi®); Telotristat de Etilo (Xermelo®); Tivozanib Hidrocloruro Monohidrato (Fotivda®).

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